Hey there! 👋 I am creating non-profit Minecraft Java maps that are downloadable for free. I am accepting tips on this site in case you want to support my work.
I am the creator of "Try2Die", "Dream" and "Herobrine's Mansion" which have reached almost 27 thousand downloads collectively so far on MinecraftMaps.Btw: You can put your Discord Tag in the optional message for an exclusive role on my server.
Links: Website; Twitter; Discord; MCCreations Profile;
Recent supporters

Someone bought 5 pizzas.

Anderson bought 5 pizzas.
Finished playing your Herobrin's Mansion map. You did a great job, thoug I did not understand the ending. Also, main puzzles(series of puzzles at the end of the story ) were based on one mechanic: connect this to that and so on, with a little eleboration in difficulty. Add different mechanics so you can make diveristy in puzzles, and thus make you maps more interesting. The map itself is very nice and the story is good. Again, add more things as you did at the begining of this map, like breaking the door, or following someone, looking for notes and so on. Keep up the good work, and I will be looking forward to play one of your future works. Thanks.