Power play

Mar 02, 2022

Queen of wands - upright

2 Of Disks - upright

7 of cups - reversed

This week you are emerging from a state of confusion and fogginess into a space of assertive confidence! It’s like you’ve dropped all illusions or something came to light that has moved you from a place of being confused with multiple choices to complete clarity. It presented a lot of emotional pressure but you are stepping up to take control of what you need to get done and people are noticing. There’s a fearlessness that’s hella attractive at this time and you are dancing with this energy to bring ideas and passions into fruition. Very bold and dynamic energy. You’re possibly juggling two things at the moment. One that brings joy and happiness and another that is bringing balance and harmony to a situation. This could be to do with what you are bringing onto the material plane. You may be indecisive about one of them but you are determined to work with the current energies that seem available to you… so keep on keeping on!

It’s like you went away meek and mild hid behind a rock for multiple months and now suddenly you’re this confident and independent beautiful swan with all this determination…

Social engagements maybe of interest to you at this time they present opportunities for connecting on various levels including building community. Your passion and enthusiasm is appreciated by all…

Share parts of yourself you usually keep hidden as all will easily be forgiven - your warm demeanour disarms the coldest of hearts at this time😍🙏🏿

Advice: keep moving forward confidently. You are highly motivated at this time to accomplish and create - don’t be shy about putting your best foot forward, romance this frequency so you yield the best results. More will flow into your life the more you can be open to invitations to connect. The energy is favourable for opportunities now that you’re clear on choices an options that are viable 🙏🏿

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