
Feb 03, 2022

Something’s on my mind today (like most days) and I wonder what you think. Put on your thinking caps.

I heard a song on the radio the other day. I understand that musicians take “creative license” with their lyrics all the time. I don’t have a problem with that in general. But these lyrics got me thinking about what heaven will be like. The song said that the only “scars” in heaven will be the ones on Jesus’ hands and feet. I understand they point the song was trying to make. And it’s a nice thought for most humans.

But is it true?

Will Jesus bear the scars from his crucifixion for all eternity? In John chapter 20 we ready about Thomas’ encounter with Jesus after his resurrection. Thomas doubted it was really him. Jesus instructed Thomas to “…Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side…” (John 20:27 NIV) This indicates that after his resurrection, Jesus still bore the scars from his death. Is this still the case after his ascension?

It makes me wonder … The Bible tells us that we will receive new bodies, whole and healthy. If we get that blessing, why didn’t Jesus?

My brain takes me in many different directions. If Jesus keeps those scars for all eternity, in my mind that is a huge profession of his love for me. He has the power to remove those scars. Does he keep them to help my faith – like he did for Thomas? If that’s true, it should be a stretch for my faith to accept. Jesus died for my sins, making the ultimate sacrifice because of his love for me. Maybe he keeps those scars as a reminder of how precious I am to him.

What do you have in your life that reminds you how valuable you are to God?
Share your thoughts in the comments below.


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