
Mar 13, 2022

Call me crazy, but my goals for 2022 are high. And I’m not really sure how it happened. Maybe we can figure it out together.

My normal goal is four novels a year. Since I mainly write romance series, that’s an obtainable goal. Most of the characters are defined in book one. Once I know who I’m dealing with, their strengths and their issues, the only thing missing is the action. Honestly, once I give them names, half the work is done. (I have no idea why I struggle so much with naming my characters, but I do.)

This year, my goal is to publish seven books. In January, I wanted to finish the “Un” series. The first book in that series was published in 2021. The main character, Heidi, has two sisters. Both of them deserve to have their stories told, too. I would enjoy spending months with these three ladies (and hope you do, too.) Those two books were easy to commit to – and put me halfway to my annual goal.

Then God poked me in the shoulder and reminded me about the Bible study books I’ve been outlining for the past ten years. Even though I had a strong desire to write them, I hadn’t felt God leading me in that direction. Until now. Now he’s freeing up my calendar and energizing my fingertips to type, type, type. This study will ultimately be four Bible study books – divided into four quarters. These books focus on what I learned about God while watching football (which is where the four quarters originated.) I’m very excited about them. The first two will be released before the end of March.

That brings us to six books for the year. But then I heard of a contest. Now I’m up to seven for the year. And once again, I’ll aim for this novel to be a stand-alone (not a series.) Believe it or not, all of my series started out as a stand-alone novel. Maybe this time will be my opportunity to try something different and write a novel that doesn’t keep going!

So there it is – my goal for 2022 is seven books. I’m feeling confident I can achieve this goal. First of all, God inspired it, so He’s on my side. Second, I’ve already finished three of those seven, and it’s only March. Third, the characters for the next project are eagerly waiting for me to get their words on the page. And finally, I love to write.

What are your goals for 2022? Are you on track to achieve them?


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