Nov 13, 2023

When it comes to book club membership, smaller is better. Eight to ten is ideal. Twelve is too many. Even taking into account member absences from meeting to meeting, ten is the absolute maximum.

“More than ten (or even eight, according to some) gets unwieldy, and discussions can’t go as deep.” Book Club 101

“The ideal group size for a book club is usually between eight and ten people. This is large enough to allow a mixture of opinions and perspectives, while being small enough that everyone can have a voice.” Hosting Your Own Book Club: Guidelines

Decide Membership Limits Early

Coming to the decision that my book club of twenty plus years no longer works for me happened slowly. I noticed the level of friendship, frank discussion, and personal sharing at meetings began to wane when the membership swelled to twelve people. I did not feel sufficiently caught up on the personal lives of each member like I once did. The assemblies seemed less personal.

I almost forgot what meetings felt like in the early years. I almost missed that my contribution to the group no longer mattered.

“Your book club might have been small in the beginning, with five close friends meeting each month to chat. But over the years, more and more people have joined, and suddenly it’s hard to get a word in edgewise or take a deep dive into a topic.” Breaking Up is Hard To Do: When To Leave Your Book Club

Had I known what I do now about group dynamics, I might have lobbied early on for a cap on membership.

Other Reasons to Quit Book Club

Numbers are not the only consideration for deciding when to quit. Some other points to consider, from the blog “Breaking Up Is Hard To Do: When To Leave Your Book Club,” are:

  1. You don’t like the books.

  2. You’re not enjoying the conversation.

  3. It’s turned into a social club.

  4. You feel like it. “Maybe something just doesn’t feel quite right anymore. You don’t need a compelling reason to move on. Book clubs are supposed to be a fun way to read and socialize. If something seems off, don’t sweat it! Your perfect book club could be right around the corner.”

When It Doesn't Feel Right

My little neighbourhood book club of eight people, with a typical attendance of four to five, made my decision easier. We decided within the first six months to cap our membership at eight. So far our discussions are robust, intimate and profound. The ease of meeting and rapport at the gatherings helped me see how diluted my contribution to the twelve member book club had become.

Book clubs are great. Enjoy them while they last. But if you find the fun factor tapering off, trust your gut. People flow into and out of our lives for a reason. For your own peace of mind, know when to quit.

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