Marty's Garden Mid Life Crisis Explained

Marty's Garden Mid Life Crisis Explained

Dec 16, 2021

The question is. What is a mid-life crisis? And my channel commonly know as Martys Garden is right in the middle of one.

It's actually been a bumby ride for a while. Just last week I was finally diagnosed with medium sleep apnea. I wasn't getting much sleep at all and had to take a month off work to sort it out.

Lack of sleep sure wreaks havoc in so many ways.

During these times I lived off my saving and pondered on how I could turn my life around. This also includes my channel. Which I was considering letting go off.

I tried to reach out to multiple worm farming companies but was never able to cut a decent deal or grab a sponsorship.

But I didn't give up.

Watch the video Marty's Garden Mid Life Crisis here if you haven't seen it already

GOOD NEWS: I may be working for Airgarden as their ambassador/ content creator. I haven't yet announced this on the channel. I have been offered a trial to produce three four-minute videos for them. Pretty cool, yes?

They are tutorial videos that will be published on their channel, website and emailed to buyers.

I am just awaiting the T-shirt to arrive and production begins.

So, this is why I am a little more upbeat at the moment and feeling more positive about what is ahead.

However, this job still isn't set in stone and would be about 25% of my income per month.

My goal is to work on producing the best content on my channel that inspires, educational and entertaining.

I have quite a way to go yet and currently trying to raise just over two hundred dollars to purchase live streaming software.

Hopefully, I will bust through this mid-life crisis and keep finding solutions that plow through the problems.

Do you want to support Martys Garden?

The best way is to become a monthly member.

This way I can get an idea of how much income is coming in each month.

This takes less stress off me and will truly help me feel more secure.

Come to think of it, it's the insecurity at the moment that is driving this problem.

If you have read this blog post I thank and congratulate you, because at the moment I have no idea if people are reading them at all.

Have an awesome day, God Bless and happy gardening

Your friend


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