My Poem "Vibes"

Jun 23, 2022

It can happen instantly... it can happen in a flash... it can flow easily like water or like the words of poetry... it can happen fast. They can be like a faint rumble... they can be like a tsunami... they can make you feel humble... they can make you feel free. It can start as simply as hearing a song playing on the radio... it can begin with something as perfect as a smile... it can last longer than something that can be seen or shown... it can find you at the same time as you find them and as regularly as the shadow of a sundial. They can be bad... they can be good... they can be sad... they can be misunderstood; however, whenever anybody finds themselves somewhere, sometime, perhaps with someone who also feels what they feel and on the same frequency it can be more powerful than the gravity of the moon that creates the ocean's infinite tides... there is no way of mistaking the sensations, the emotions, the feeling of elation, the tingle of electricity that accompanies the rise of the spirit within that can inspire the thoughts, that can move the body, that can overcome and compel anyone with a wave of multi-layered and meaningful vibes.

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