Do lactation cookies really work for fee ...

Do lactation cookies really work for feeding mothers?

Jul 22, 2023

Taking care of a baby isn't an easy thing to do. In the postpartum delivery period, mothers may have sweet cravings most times. But they can't eat everything they want since their eating habit will impact their baby too. Many Brest feeding mothers suffer from insufficient milk production. This may be due to lack of sleep, stress, lack of nutrition, etc. Lactation cookies become a trend now, as they satisfy the potential nutrition needs of feeding mothers without compromising on taste. Let us discuss if they really work or not.

Ingredients used: 

The lactation cookies are made of nutritional ingredients that will help in increasing the breast milk production of feeding mothers. The cookies are rich in protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, as they are made of oats, fenugreek, flaxseed, chia seeds, and black sesame seeds. Thus it will help feeding mothers enhance their metabolism and helps in weight loss. And also it supports neutralizing hormonal changes. They also promote lactation and collagen levels which improves wound healing. The natural ingredients help in improving brain functioning by enhancing dopamine levels. 

Improves health:

As discussed earlier, lactation cookies contain potential nutritional supplements that help feeding mothers satisfy their nutrient needs. Lactation cookie helps in the efficient functioning of metabolic processes. The iron content in flaxseeds and oats prevents anemia, a common condition in new mothers, by maintaining blood production rates. Oats are filled with large amounts of dietary fiber eases the postpartum difficulty of bowel movements and constipation. A little bit of sugar content in these cookies will certainly improve your mood to overcome postpartum depression. 


Pregnancy weight loss is challenging, as they simultaneously have cravings and weight loss thoughts. Lactation cookies are completely harmless for both mother and the child. It becomes a healthy snack for feeding mothers, which tastes good as well as contains healthy ingredients. A lactation cookie is a perfect replacement for processed foods. These lactation cookie recipes are easy and can be made at home. You can opt for your favorite flavor since these are available in plenty of flavors and textures.   

Wrapping up:

Those mentioned above are some of the benefits of eating lactation cookies. Ask your doctor whether the ingredients used in these cookies will be suited for your body's condition. 

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