If you like my Meshtastic DIY work and want to support it, buy me a coffee. Coffee is life
Recent supporters
dg bought 5 coffees.
Like the meshstick. Thanks for sharing. You should consider a kickstarter or crowd supply!
Thank you, i would need to look at options for the radio but seems like a good idea, maybe in future
porkcube bought 3 coffees.
Thanks so much for pointing me in the right direction to sort out nuking LFS on XIAO nRF52840s!! (and also all the other work you for the project)
awesome, thank you
NomDeTom bought 3 coffees.
Thanks for all the help!
Thank you so much
Thomas G. bought 5 coffees.
Meitao bought a coffee.
Thanks for all you’re doing for the project.
Thank you