Hi! Thank you for dropping by on my page. If you like the content I create for my YouTube channel and would like to help support my work, any contribution is a big contribution. If you haven't had a chance to read my YouTube channel description, I've left it for you below.
My name is Marius and I love (I hate) multitasking. For most of my life I've been torn between career choices. I've flirted with photography, documentary filmmaking, acting, graphic design and even gardening, among others. I currently manage a small creative agency which allows me to cover most of my interests and passions. But business is business and it's tiring, so I let off steam through music as a vocalist, basic guitar playing and making videos, as well as having the odd irrational drive to build, repair (break) something. This channel is a place for me to create and put out some content so I can cringe later. And also to put off actually working. Don't tell my clients. Just kidding, clients!
If you're like me and have had or still are having trouble finding your path, I hope my experience in taking all paths at the same time, just to see where they go, will help you realise it's still a perfectly fine career choice. The world needs more reluctant multitaskers like us.
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