Due to the economic and political situation, it is clear why the desire to flee Argentina, but why Europe? For some years, I was a student of history here in Argentina, a career that I began with the intention of dedicating myself to learning and researching the history of Ancient Greece, Rome, and Medieval Europe. Once I finished studying everything related to my area of interest, and for differe...
Why Europe?
May 09, 2021
125 Visualizaciones
The intention of this campaign is to raise funds to help with the emigration of an Argentinean couple and their cat to Europe. We find ourselves in a difficult problem to solve, we want to leave the country because of how hard it is to live there and the lack of certainty about the future of the country. The question is that in order to leave, we need to buy plane tickets, make the necessary arran...
The world's largest and most complex escape game: Argentina.
May 03, 2021
131 Visualizaciones