What's to come in 2021?

What's to come in 2021?

Dec 19, 2020

Hello! I'm so excited to be writing this blog post to you today. As I sit at my laptop, it is 12/19/2020 at 8:00 am and wow, there has been some major astrological movement in the heavens and more to come soon! The biggest event was Saturn (the planet of discipline) moved out of Capricorn and into Aquarius this past Wednesday. Today, Jupiter will be doing the same and then on Monday the 21st, at 1:30 pm eastern, the two planets will conjunct each other and that is the official kick off of the new earth! Sounds so woo-woo and crazy doesn't it? So what does all this mean if you are new to astrology?

First of all, I don't want you thinking or worrying that on December 21st some major life altering event is going to be happening. I have heard theories that it's the end of the world or some major scary thing will happen globally etc. Humans tend to take their minds to the negative and fearful places first, especially when they can't explain or don't understand something, and that's all that is. Let's keep our mind and thoughts in the positive and have an attitude of "wow, this is exciting!" shall we?

With that being said, no one can say EXACTLY what will happen in the future. Astrology is really more about timing than anything and astrologers are not psychics... we can just get an "energy" of what is to come and focus on that, but we do not know what will happen specifically because humans have free will! That's what makes life so exciting right? Would you really want to know everything that was going to happen? How boring would that be? I don't know about you, but I love surprises!

So, ok Marci, enough of this... just tell me what's going to happen in 2021 and beyond!

Ok, here are the "themes" of what we will be experiencing moving forward on the planet:

  1. Medical advancements. Due to covid19 and all the research there (and otherwise) we will be seeing more advancements in the medical field. More cures and also a shift into energy work! Things like Reiki, meditation, stress response, the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system, acupuncture and acupressure, muscle testing, mind body connection, etc will all be more mainstream and explored more.

  2. Artificial intelligence will be growing. We already have Alexa and Siri, and along those lines we are going to see more technology communicating and interacting with us humans on a deeper level. Thinks robots even!

  3. Small groups. We will see a movement to smaller communities and things like communes. People will surround themselves with their "tribes" (no wonder this word has been so popular in the last few years). We will see smaller schools for children and more people working together in their communities. Things like community gardens will be popular and getting to know your neighbors, making sure you are surrounded by the people you want to be with instead of just random people.

  4. Cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency is going to continue to grow and get bigger as more and more people distrust big organizations and banks.

  5. The collective. People are understanding that we all have to work together and live on this planet in a harmonious way if we want to survive. We will see more people helping one another, volunteering and joining in to support one another.

  6. Political and global change. There will be more protests on large scales as people come together to make change. More people (and young people) will be interested in politics in their local communities than ever before. The two party system is dying and we will open up to a wider variety of representation (you can see this already with so many women and people of color and sexuality being placed in prominent positions!).

  7. Spirituality. People will move away from organized religion and dive deeper into spirituality. We can see this already happening in the last few years with things like astrology and tarot blowing up and becoming very popular!

So those are just a few areas of change that will be coming up for us soon! Exciting right? That's not to say that there won't be any hardships or global drama happening as well, but all in all I can say I am very hopeful for the future of humanity!

So what do we do right now?

I would suggest that you really get clear on your intentions for the future. Ask yourself what do you want your life to look like moving forward from here? Who do you want to surround yourself with on a daily basis? How do you want to make money and support yourself, and if your job isn't something that inspires you (for now), then what else can you be doing in your free time to inspire yourself and help others?

Now that Jupiter and Saturn have moved into Aquarius (an air sign) ideas and thoughts are moving quicker than before. Whatever you focus on you manifest quickly. Have you noticed it feels like time is even moving faster than ever? So make sure you keep your thoughts positive and stay focused on where you want to go, not where you've been or what other people are doing. Stay in your lane. Eat healthy, drink your water, get plenty of sleep, do breathwork and move your body, find an artistic outlet that works for you and let your imagination go wild with what you want your future to look like. Literally, we have all possibilities open to us right now!

Comment below with any questions and let me know if you are excited for the future and for 2021 and beyond! Thank you for reading! You can connect with me here or on Instagram at instagram.com/marcellinaw99 and remember to find your joy everyday!

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