Cancer Full Moon closing out 2020

Cancer Full Moon closing out 2020

Dec 28, 2020

Hello friends! I hope you had a warm and cozy Christmas and got to spend it in whatever way that was safe and enjoyable for you and your friends and family! What a unique holiday season and year this has been, right? So now that I have a little time, I wanted to fill you in on some energies surrounding the Cancer full moon we are having on December 29th! It is interesting to note that we started the year 2020 with a Cancer full moon on January 10th, and now this December Cancer moon will be closing it out. You could look at it as though Cancer was one of the "themes" of the year.

What theme is Cancer then? Well, Cancer brings about energies of the home, the mother, nourishing and taking care of loved ones. Cancers are emotional signs that like to be alone and cozy up in bed with soft, warm blankets and sleep/rest. Cancer, being a water sign (water is equivalent to emotions) loves hot baths with bubbles, long showers, being in or near water really. Cancer is also associated with the past, looking through photo albums, telling family stories, and looking to our past ancestors.

Wow, does that sound a little bit like 2020 to you? We were all being asked to stay home, stay inside, go inside, and look within right? We were asked to be quiet, reflect, and maybe even think about our ancestors and how our healing now can also heal them (have you heard of this concept before?). And who can forget early on in the pandemic when everyone was baking bread (nourishing our loved ones) and sharing it on social media! I know my cancer rising husband really got into baking bread and trying different types of flour, etc.

So, with this new full moon coming to us tomorrow, I believe we are being asked one more time to go within. A good way to celebrate this full moon or embrace it would be to take a long shower or bath, look at old photos, talk about the past, or talk about the people who we have had to say goodbye to. Most importantly, we should think about and express how we feel about this past year and what we have been through.

2020 has been a huge event for all of us, and we have all experienced it in different and unique ways. Some people see 2020 as a blessing, a time to slow down and reconnect with the people you love. Some people see 2020 as a traumatic event that brought a lot of struggle, pain, and loss. No matter how you see it, use this full moon to really focus on the EMOTIONS of 2020 and maybe even journal about it, call a friend and talk about it, or just let yourself cry if you feel the need to do so. Crying is a great release (I know, I'm a cancer sun).

Before we can be ready to move on to something new (2021), we need to acknowledge and release what we have gone through. Using this Cancer full moon as a special time to process 2020 will help you be ready for what lies ahead for us individually and collectively in the New Year. I would love to hear in the comments what your plans are for the Cancer full moon and I send lots of warm blessings from my heart to yours as we see the conclusion of what has been a historic year for all of us. Much love to you all.

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