About Alex Mandelson
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Glad tidings and good health, fellow adventurers! It is indeed time for the third installment of my biweekly mind fount. Today, I wanted to talk about something that's been in progress for a VERY long time. My second studio album. Yes, I do have a first. Back in 2015, I had the opportunity to record a few songs I had written. It was provided for free in order to be a sound engineering student's se...
Mandelson Monday Musings #3 - WHOAMI
Oct 17, 2022
For this week's installment of manic mind excretions, a prologue of one of my books! Tycran is the setting of my fantasy book series on one of the fictional universes I am designing. I have been putting a lot of thought into it recently so here is a summary and exposition of the events prior to where I begin the book. A thousand years before our tale, Tycran was home to no humans, but a multitude ...
Mandelson Monday Musings 2 "A Kinda Brief History of Tycran."
Oct 04, 2022
Good morning, or at least I hope it's good. Who can afford a good morning in this economy? This is the first of, hopefully, a persistent plethora of pensive posts. I have decided that I need to stop letting my various thoughts live rent-free in my head and actually complete their journey to a text based format that can be organized into perhaps something that may eventually be somewhat useful. Eve...
Mandelson Monday Musings 1 - "Sugar, Change, and Aliteration"
Sep 19, 2022