When You Buy Me A Cup Of Coffee

When You Buy Me A Cup Of Coffee

Apr 26, 2020

When you buy a cup of coffee for Mamas and Coffee®, you are helping provide a space for women to gather virtually every month to have REAL conversations about life.

Mamas and Coffee® has been around since 2017. Our Know You Be You Love You® message is to help empower others through life.

Our owner, Sybil Jones, aka MomJonz, loves helping other women in all aspects of life. But the most important area is Self-Love. She believes that self-love is the foundation for all things in your life.

Sybil started off doing LIVES in her closed FB group - Mamas and Coffee®, to hosting in-person meetups at her home while living in Hawaii (Navy family), to trying to find a new location when her family moved to D.C. But she wanted to be able to meet her FB group members who were not local to her. She remembered a request made by a #MaC from the very beginning, "let's have virtual chats."

So, in April 2020, she decided to dive right in and do so.

To provide this space, it takes money and work. She wants the experience to be empowering and fun. Not only does she offer virtual discussions to her group members, but she has also created Coffee Talk for women across the world to join in. We focus on different topics to help in our daily lives.

Your support of buying one, two, ten, or 20 cups of coffee is much appreciated and a great way to give back to help others hear the Know You Be You Love You® message. You can also become an

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