Welcome to my new 'coffee' page. There's a little link which allows you to buy me a coffee should you wish to do so, though when I finally worked out how to change their setting from dollars to pounds, the five dollars turned, willy nilly into five pounds! So perhaps we had better call this a coffee and a cake! We can make it a real one when we have a chance to meet agin in the real world!
Thanks to Lancia Smith for the photo!
Recent supporters

Lorraine bought a coffee.
Thank you for helping me through Lent again.

Deb bought a coffee.
I love your sonnets celebrating Mary

Michael R Peatman bought a coffee.
We are reading your reflections on the psalms each week as part of a Lent series we are doing. It only seemed fair to buy you a coffee.

Debby Plummer bought a coffee.
Grand alliteration, deep prayerfulness, profoundly human, such blessing. Thank you

Sandra Brailsford bought a coffee.
I really liked your sonnets for the Annuciation they gave me a fresh perspective of Mary and Eternity