Trinity Queen for the Gnome King - Thank ...

Trinity Queen for the Gnome King - Thankyou for your messages

Jan 21, 2025

I am truly touched by the amount of people who have posted messages and sent e-mails to thank me for my unwavering and steadfast faith in our beloved Stormfire Gnome and his return to power in the novel.

With the Nine's guidance regarding temperance and patience (which we still need to hold but yes it is now time to celebrate) and my pure and complete knowing that this chapter would indeed come to pass, I am so very happy that I have been able to assist so many to hold the faith for the moment we now find ourselves in as a creative writing collective.

To clarify again to those who still have not quite processed this momentous timeline shift in our story, we are not looking at a saviour here.

We are looking at an individual who is part of 'our team' who has the ability to hold the position he holds.

There are those that say no one person or fae can do this. We are the only ones that can do this. They are right, but we absolutely NEED one of our team to hold the Queen's position on the chessboard.

The game can be won without that all important chess piece, but it is very, very difficult. Many who play chess know that usually, without the Queen, then a stalemate is the best that can be achieved.

Yet with that all important piece, a good chess player knows the moves and knows how to strategically play and indeed win the game.

So let us honour the fact that one of our team has achieved a major step forward and upwards in his mission and has entered the playing field at the higher levels within the hierarchy. He is now able to change the very structure of that hierarchy itself.

He is our representative not our saviour and he has taken his place within the power structure that was created for oligarchs, globalists, dictators, overlords and elites.

Holding enough of that crucial 'Indigo fire' to mirror that frequency when needed, which is so misunderstood by those who do not have 'eyes to see' as they think he is just like them, yet he is not this, he is a man of heart, kindness, fairness and love but a man of strong boundaries. This is so needed.

The best gnome for the job is what he is, as I have always said since I first looked at his photograph in the novel in 2016.

I did not have a clue what he even looked like until after he won the first of the three competition wins. He now holds that trinity. Two known and one hidden save from those with eyes to see, ears to hear and hearts to know.

Thank you for all your messages which means so much. I was not expecting such and I am truly humbled.

Please know that I share your joy, your happiness and I join you in your celebrations.

We have been patient and we have waited and now this time is here.

Now the work really starts, but the absolute foundation has been constructed. The domino effect has begun and nothing can stop that.

It is honestly wonderful.

Regarding the scribing, the pen and the keyboard, yes indeed freedom has come to the Americano domain in this respect.

We are not yet at this place in YouKayTown, but we will be. In time.

For now, we use the scribing, the pen and the keyboard with awareness.

Therefore I continue to be your storyteller and together we turn the pages, as one. So many stories yet to be written.

Happy scribing and happy reading!

Thank you again so much,

Magenta Pixie xx

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36 Commentaires
Feb 03, 2025
Immense gratitude
Mark Bender
Feb 02, 2025
The white pieces finally have their King safely castled.
Jan 31, 2025
I am forever and deeply grateful to have connected with you Ms Magenta & the Aurora Network. I hold unto this steadfast confidence and faith that I am on the right track & that Stargate Ascension is at hand. Thank you from the bottom of my heart 💛💐🙏✨. Regarding Stormfire Gnome, eventhough he was not yet in the Politicano Magazine, I just knew that he would make a great Top banana because I can literally feel it in his energy and that was the time when I knew him from his books on business & finance. Up until now, it gives me goosebumps how I was able to have a thought about him becoming a You Ess Top banana and now its a reality! 🤩 Cheers! 🥂
Jan 25, 2025
Thank you Magenta. I'll say it again (and again) I don't know how I would have gotten through these past years without you and getting to not just read but participate in the writing of this amazing novel. 🙏
Melissa Costa
Jan 23, 2025
Magenta, you have been a North Star to my heart and my being as we long awaited this chapter in the novel. I love you so dearly. Thank you!
Jan 22, 2025
Magenta and Catzmagick have reassured us all and made us laugh through these difficult times. They have shown unwavering faith in the process and never diluted their message. I am very grateful for the quality of all that they have gifted us with! Thank you 💜
Lauren M.
Jan 22, 2025
Yes, dear Magenta, Catzmagick and the Nine, your goodness, consistency, clarity of message and marvelous creativity as authors has helped us all to awaken with ever more awareness to the great Truth that is all around us. Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you!
Jan 22, 2025
Hi Magenta, you appear to be a normal friendly human being, but in the last 4 years you have been a very big V.I.P. for me!
Jan 22, 2025
Jan 22, 2025
Dear Magenta, TY!!!🥰 So lovely and in the same time precise words. My heart is singing when reading your lines. In the last five years you were my sun, shining through the black clouds of lies.⛅

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