Randy McPhoy
28 sostenitori
Sermon Recap: Forgive Us as We Forgive O ...

Sermon Recap: Forgive Us as We Forgive Others

Aug 19, 2024

Scripture Reference: Matthew 6:12


The central theme of the Christian experience and the body of Christ is Forgiveness. The church comprises individuals who have been forgiven through Christ's sacrifice on the cross.

Understanding Forgiveness

Forgiveness is the act of excusing a debt that is owed. We owe God a debt for our sins, and this debt is eternal separation from Him and His holy wrath. The Bible states, "The wages of sin is death" (Romans 6:23). This debt is not unreasonable because it is a consequence of offending a holy and just God.

The Necessity of Forgiveness

Forgiveness is essential for restoring the relationship between God and man. It was emphasized by Jesus in the Model Prayer and recognized by Old Testament saints like Moses, Solomon, and David. They all understood the need for God's forgiveness to remove His judgment and wrath.

Cost of Forgiveness

Forgiveness is costly. In the Old Testament, the sacrificial system required the shedding of blood for the forgiveness of sins, pointing to the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Forgiveness cost Jesus His life, making Christ's death the basis for God forgiving all sins.

Preaching Forgiveness

The message of forgiveness through Jesus Christ is paramount. Paul emphasized preaching the forgiveness of sins through Christ, highlighting the need to convey the offense to a holy God and the necessity of faith in Jesus for forgiveness.

The Blessing of Forgiveness

Being forgiven by God is a profound blessing. God removes our sins and treats us as if we have never sinned. This removal of guilt and wrath is a true blessing with eternal value.

Receiving Forgiveness

To receive forgiveness from God, one must approach Him with humility, acknowledge and confess sins, repent, and request forgiveness.

Forgiving Others

Forgiving others is crucial in Christian fellowship. We should forgive as God forgives us, withholding righteous anger, judgment, and harsh words. Forgiveness involves being gracious, kind, and tender-hearted, even when remembering the offense.


Forgiveness is a fundamental aspect of Christian life, both in receiving God's forgiveness and extending it to others. As we are forgiven by God, we must also forgive those who have wronged us.

"Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors"

To listen to the full sermon please click on the link below.


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