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[Update #05] New upcoming port: INK - Ga ...

[Update #05] New upcoming port: INK - Gameplay video!

May 26, 2021

Hello there! (General Kenobi), after a lot of headaches I decided to put a hold for two or three days The Red Strings Club, since it's softlocking and I don't really know why. In the meantime, I decided to finish and submit for KyûHEN another port, this time a game called INK

(sorry for the shitty quality of the camera)

INK was actually the first game I tried to port to the Vita when I bought it, around October last year. I had it in the freezer for a couple of months and finally got off my ass and finished it for KyûHEN. This footage is a little old. It's been optimized further and the graphical glitches of the transitions have been fixed. It feels so good to finally be able to release this.

If all goes well, it will be submitted tomorrow to the contest. Then it's up to the people in there to upload it.

Btw, if everything goes to hell with The Red Strings Club, I have a backup plan

(De Tres Al Cuatro, from Essays on Empathy)

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