Life Updates

Apr 23, 2022

Hi all! It's been a while since I last posted, and a lot has changed in my life, so here's a quick update post.

Disability Justice Work

In fall of last year, I started working part-time with PeoplesHub, an online movement school focusing on popular education. I'm coaching local organizations in Pittsburgh as part of an access cohort, helping organizations build disability justice and access-centered culture into all of the work they do. I also semi-regularly facilitate workshops at PeoplesHub and provide tech support for facilitators.

Creative Expression for Teens

I am still working at Write Pittsburgh and facilitating their Rainbow Writers program (a weekly intentional writing space for LGBTQIA+ teens), but I am also taking on more responsibility at the organization. I helped launch the Teen Council, which gives local teens the opportunity to guide our work (and get paid for their time and expertise). I am also working on prepping summer camps, events, and new opportunities at the organization.


I am excited to be moving into spaces for somatics, looking into how mental health conversations and expression can go beyond solely verbal and written communication - how we can express ourselves through movement and body-oriented practices. I joined a somatics cohort for white practitioners through Wildbody Somatics and am exploring more learning opportunities as time progresses. I am very interested in how weight training can be explored as a somatic practice after reading Lifting Heavy Things: Healing Trauma One Rep at a Time by Laura Khoudari. I started training in Olympic weightlifting a few months ago and will be entering my first competition next month, and I've found the experience to be absolutely releasing and empowering.

Otherwise, currently working on revamping my website to better align with the work I'm doing now, and hopefully working on posting here and on my website's blog more often. Also, I am working very hard at resting more - the past two years have helped me realize that the level of productivity and output I considered my "normal" was actually very damaging for me. I can't just retire magically, but I can have better boundaries in my life and work, which is another ongoing goal of mine.

I'm excited for these new pathways in my life. If you're reading, feel free to comment and share any new pathways you've been working on, whether in your life, career, family or chosen family, or anywhere else. I'd love to discuss. :)

Thanks for reading,


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