Why do I like to play League of Legends?

Why do I like to play League of Legends?

Nov 09, 2023

Photo by Tariq Mahmud Naim on Unsplash

As I’ve mentioned in my previous articles, I’ve been playing League of Legends since season 5. The game is currently in its 13th season. I started playing this game shortly after beginning college, as soon as I managed to buy myself a laptop.

I had heard about the game from a friend who had been playing it for a while and kept telling me about it. Let me tell you that I became completely obsessed with the game.

Every day, I would meet with that friend and tell him about my “progress” in the game, what fascinated me about it, which champions I enjoyed playing, and so on.

Time has passed since then, the game has evolved significantly, but I still haven’t grown tired of it. Although sometimes I feel like playing it might be a waste of time, here are a few reasons why I enjoy playing League of Legends.

  1. It’s a Competitive Game: Who doesn’t enjoy competition? I certainly do! Competition usually drives improvement and a desire for the best results, even if it’s just a game.

  2. A Vast Selection of Champions: Initially, I tried out all the champions to see their abilities and playstyle. I was impressed by how the developers came up with so many champion ideas. Just think, there are currently 165 champions to choose from, each with unique abilities. Of course, you can’t play them all, and eventually, you become a “main” for one or a few champions.

  3. The Option to Play with Friends: There’s nothing like teaming up with your friends for a gaming session. The camaraderie and shared victories make the experience even more enjoyable. In our circle, it was never about saying, “Let’s grab a beer” or “Let’s hang out at my place.” Instead, it was all about, “Let’s get into a game.”

  4. Updates of the game: Even though it can be frustrating at times, keeping up with the game’s constant evolution is worth it. League of Legends undergoes continuous development, and the developers excel at introducing substantial changes, especially at the start of each new season. These changes encompass new items, champions, skins, gameplay modes, and significant alterations to the gameplay itself.

  5. The Cinematics: This is one of the best reasons. If you are looking for compelling reasons to dive into the world of League of Legends, look no further than the breathtaking cinematics crafted by Riot Games.

In the modern gaming landscape, cinematics have become a powerful tool for drawing players into fantastical universes. Riot Games has masterfully leveraged this medium, delivering some of the most awe-inspiring cinematics in gaming history.

These cinematics not only narrate the game’s story but also weave it into mesmerizing music videos.

Immersing yourself in these cinematics is an excellent way to ignite your excitement for the game. The best part? You don’t need to worry about watching them in any specific order.

There’s no prescribed sequence; simply savor the experience. Once you’ve felt that deep connection with the enchanting realm of Runeterra, it’s hard to resist the allure of playing the game. League of Legends might not offer every RPG-like feature, but it’s the emotional bond with this world that draws you in, making it an experience like no other.

In the beginning I think I was bothering my friend with links from YouTube which were including cinematics. They are awesome.

So, these are some of the reasons why I enjoy playing League of Legends. They are only a few. I have more to say, but I will keep them for another articles.

Until then, are you a League of Legends player? If yes, what are your reasons you play it?

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