Louise Poppy
429 supporters
Last Week’s Walk St Stephen’s Chapel

Last Week’s Walk St Stephen’s Chapel

May 29, 2021

Kia ora everybody and I hope you’re all having a fabulous weekend. For some of you it’s a holiday weekend so I hope you enjoy the celebrations and holiday

I’m sharing a few pics with you of our last weekly walk around this old area of Auckland. The church was built in 1857

We explored the graveyard and found this interesting one in memory of Sister Cecil who ran an orphanage. Later I discovered the orphanage is still standing and has quite a story

We ended our walk at Taurarua Judges Bay with this gorgeous view

Next week our walk is one day earlier and we are going to keep the church theme but this will be the opposite as it is large, modern and located in a much busier area!

So get your walking shoes on and see you next week I’ll be sending the link tomorrow

Louise x

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