Horoscope of day today.

Horoscope of day today.

Jun 18, 2021

Hi dear readers, follow the prediction of today's signs https://www.correiobraziliense.com.br/, a tight hug Lola.

See the horoscope by Oscar Quiroga to unveil this Friday, June 18, according to each sign.

ARIES (birth between 3/21 to 4/20)

Doesn't asking offend? Only if it's on another planet, because here on Earth there are offensive questions, which bring between the lines an intentional attempt to upset people. It's a game, but a tricky one to sustain.

TAURUS (birth between 4/21 to 5/20)

Discussing the angels' sex, tastes and colors is like chasing your own tail, you never get anywhere but the very terrain of conflict, which traps people in a passion of dubious taste and reputation.

TWINS (birth between 5/21 to 6/20)

Make your own choices so that you don't make a mistake in the people you invite to join your moments of joy, or you'll end up wasting your time and turning entertainment into a battleground. Not that.


CANCER (birth between 6/21 to 7/21)

There is a whole charm involved in traditions and their conservation, a charm that feels threatened by what does not fit within its vision. See, the world is changing fast, and traditions don't keep up.

LION (birth between 7/22 to 8/22)

Communication is a science, which is not limited to what you want to say, but extends to how your words will be interpreted, a fact that should not be left to chance. Chance is a traitor.

VIRGIN (birth between 8/23 to 9/22)

Feeling safe is all well and good, but if that means you have to isolate yourself, or worse, make other people insecure, then it's time to question the parameters that make you feel safe.

LIBRA (birth between 9/23 to 10/22)

If you want to compromise and put on hot cloths, you run the risk of adding fuel to the fire. There are things that legitimately need further clarification, but above that, the time is right to take this attitude.


SCORPIO (birth between 9/23 to 11/21)

Everything you think about and that turns into an argument that will fuel conflicts, both internally and with the people you relate to, all of this would need to be questioned to avoid attrition.

SAGITTARIUS (birth between 11/22 to 12/21)

Taking everything people say seriously ends up in a fight. At this moment, when people get together, there is a real breeding ground for conflicts, because the world is encouraging people to be against each other.

CAPRICORN (birth between 12/22 to 1/20)

Do it your way, but don't expect other people to follow your example. From the inside, your way may look the best, the epitome of perfection, but so does the inside of other people.

AQUARIUS (birth between 1/21 to 2/19)

Points of view can and must be changed, because if you keep always in the same place while the world is in continuous transformation, that would not give positive results, neither for you nor for anyone else.

FISH (birth between 2/20 to 3/20)

The arguments that feed the arguments and fights always seem legitimate, because if they were questioned and softened, there would never be conflicts, don't you think? But, questioning would avoid a lot of wear and tear.

Information was taken from the website https://www.correiobraziliense.com.br/

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