Horoscope of the day: check out what the ...

Horoscope of the day: check out what the stars reveal for this Tuesday (15/6)

Jun 15, 2021

See the horoscope by Oscar Quiroga to unveil this Tuesday, June 15th, according to each sign.

ARIES (birth between 3/21 to 4/20)

Enthusiasm is sacred, but so much is happening at the same time that it has become very important to keep the enthusiasm in check so as not to motivate initiatives that, for lack of maturity, would create delays.

TAURUS (birth between 4/21 to 5/20)

Rest would be great, but it probably won't be possible unless you decree it against all the things that need to be done. Rest yes, but wait until the end of the day for this to be legitimate.

TWINS (birth between 5/21 to 6/20)

A lot can be said, and it will be, but for everything to work out, your soul needs to find the right moment, or it will create resistance so great that the truths said will go to waste, being devalued. Not that.

CANCER (birth between 6/21 to 7/21)

The measure of security your soul needs on this part of the path may be too high for what reality can offer you. However, if you maintain inner peace, you will see that everything works out.

LION (birth between 7/22 to 8/22)

Various initiatives could be undertaken by you, and all of them well grounded in arguments and justifications. But are they all really necessary? Or are some of them the product of distorted emotions?

VIRGIN (birth between 8/23 to 9/22)

Prefer to distance yourself from everything and everyone, but if this is not available, due to the commitments made, try, at least, to expose yourself as little as possible, observing from within yourself everything that happens.

LIBRA (birth between 9/23 to 10/22)

There are days when the soul connects easily with everyone, while there are days when even the most intimate and friendly people seem to follow the reasoning, becoming distant and even strange. Normal.

SCORPIO (birth between 9/23 to 11/21)

Your willingness to grow and overcome setbacks is sacred, and needs to be treated as such at all times, even and especially in those hours when the mind darkens and becomes dense and pessimistic. In front of.

SAGITTARIUS (birth between 11/22 to 12/21)

What you think you know, and what motivates you to take action, needs to be better rethought and investigated, so as not to make a mistake. Make use of your mind, use discernment, not everything is what it seems.

CAPRICORN (birth between 12/22 to 1/20)

It makes you want to kick the bucket of normalcy and launch into dangerous endeavors, just to feel a little adrenaline. It's all a decision, you can't know in advance whether the move would work out right or wrong.

AQUARIUS (birth between 1/21 to 2/19)

The references that serve you as a fulcrum for your soul to look through someone else's eyes may not be so good today. So, be careful what results from the opinions you hear.

FISH (birth between 2/20 to 3/20)

Start with the details, tying up any loose ends you find in your investigations. Find out where life energy is being dammed up and make adjustments to rectify that situation.

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