Theatre marketing - 4 town marketing
Limitado (5 de 5 restantes)
Support me on a monthly basis
2 hours a month checking your website and updating events into the search engine
Having your events included in the Highlight timetable 2 months before the show.
having your shows and events included in the correct age related and day of the week timetables for 6 towns
Have your shows and events included relevant videos, radio shows and podcasts
1 free review a month to give your theatre a boost.
Party marketing your party offerings will be added to the party page, and timetable
Your Marketing Guru
Limitado (2 de 2 restantes)
Support me on a monthly basis
4 hours a month running your business social Media
4 hours a month managing your website!
Be included in relevant marketing on
2 hours a month on poster creation and artwork