Enjoy your lunch break!

Enjoy your lunch break!

Mar 08, 2022

Two years ago when everyone was sent home to work in the “two weeks to slow the spread” I started a podcast called “The Lunch Break Hymn Sing”. The concept and format were simple; devote about 5 to 6 minutes to giving a brief history of a hymn and/or hymn writer then perform that hymn. I believe I had 25 subscribers in those first three months.

Fast-forward to today, and we have a little over 200 subscribers and are being broadcasted in over 25 countries! My daughter, Karlie, and best friend, Nathan have joined me in this ministry. The Lord has used this little podcast in ways that I have never thought possible. I have received messages from people all over the world who have been encouraged by the short, 10 minute episodes. The gospel is being heard! Praise the Lord!

Currently our episodes are focused on the doctrine of Salvation. This summer the plan is to tackle some of the Psalms that we sing (or should be singing) in worship. We are also excited to do 9 episodes of Lessons and Carols in December as part of our Advent series. Big plans are in the works!

In order to continue in the success of this podcast we need your help! Would you consider the following:

1. Share this podcast! The fastest way to grow this ministry is by word of mouth. We are on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Play and anywhere else that podcasts can be heard. Tell your friends and family about it. Share it in a post where folks are talking about hymns. The more noise we make, the faster it will grow!

2. Leave a 5 Star Review and a comment! If you love the podcast, be sure to leave a 5 Star review. Apple Podcasts has this feature AND NOW Spotify does as well. This helps with algorithms which in turn pushes the podcast closer to the top in its category. And, hey, leave a comment! I love to read how the podcast has touched your lives, AND IF YOU LEAVE YOUR INSTAGRAM HANDLE I'll give you a shout out on the podcast!

3. PRAY! This is the most important need. Pray that the Lord will continue to use the podcast to bring His children to Himself. Pray for me as I continue to study His Word to bring solid, Christ-centered content to the listeners. Pray for Nathan and Karlie as they continue to play an intricate role in the ministry. And Pray for our families.

4. Buy me a coffee! This platform allows YOU to support me financially with absolutely no account set up. If you have found one or two of these episodes useful, you can choose to buy me a coffee or two as a way of saying "Thank you". If you want to provide support for this podcast monthly or annually, there is a place for that as well! Any support you provide will go along way as we work to continue to provide you with good solid content!

We are excited for the future of this ministry! We are excited to see how the Lord uses it to grow His kingdom. We are thankful that He has allowed us to use our gifts in this way to serve Him.

Thank you again for all of your support and encouragement! Enjoy your lunch break !

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