I guess first posts are a thing!

I guess first posts are a thing!

Jul 20, 2021

Hi, hi! How you doing? Good?
I'm alright, thanks for asking!

Being productive's been tricky as of late. Gotta keep myself ahead of the usual distractions (Youtube and Solitaire), but you live and learn. Gonna grind through some work on my novel for a few hours.

I'm hoping to update this every few days or so with fun little updates on that. My intention is to get the first five chapters laid out before I start posting on Wattpad. Technically I have an older WIP 3/4ths written before I decided to make an actual outline and started from the beginning. I'm using large chunks of that WIP, since the outline is fairly close with a few diverging plot points and timelines, so it shouldn't take near as long to work out. Again, I need to stop distracting myself.

Elevator Pitch of my WIP to come.

Anyways, Gods Bless, and have a good day! <3

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