Hope Rising

Mar 28, 2024

Dear ones, 

In my most recent episode on Delightful, I share a story about this tenacious weed (yes, a weed!0:

"...“A few years back, I had taken my daughter to soccer practice. And while she was at practice, I would just walk around wherever there was practice. So if it was at a school, I would walk around the school, whatever was there, the different fields.

If it was at a soccer complex, the same thing, I would go through the neighborhoods nearby or on the roads and the tree-lined roads and things. And I would just walk. Me and my dog, Sherlock, of course.

So one day, I remember that I was walking at this school. It was a high school. And I was walking in the back fields, and they were doing some construction.

They were in that first phase still of just digging up the dirt. And I remember walking past this big mound of dirt, and it was in early, early spring, so the beginning of March. And I remember that over time, in the next couple of soccer practices, where I was walking, and I was going by this field there was this just really barren big pile of dry dirt.

Over time as I walked by this massive pile of dirt, I started to see this weed growing up through it! And I imagined what it had to do to get to the top fo that mound, the rock and the mud that it had to get through, to reach toward the light, to be that tenacious. 

And it was actually a really beautiful weed. It was yellow and just so vibrant. And I thought, oh my goodness, this is the perfect example of hope. 

It was dry, barren, caked dirt. And here was this weed from somewhere down below in the earth's darkness, and through the rock and all that's there. It found its way up to the light...”

From Delightful: 75. Hope Rising - Guided Experience, Mar 26, 2024


This showed me that hope indeed finds a way. It showed me that everything in nature reaches for the light. We do too. Our spirits are meant to find the light. The air. The expansiveness to breathe. The sunlight to bask in. 

If You Are Low on Hope

If you are low on hope, if you feel like there is a huge pile of dry dirt in your life, try this practice:

Watch One Place in Nature. Look to nature pick one place in nature, and over the course of a few weeks, watch is slowly but surely shift to display new signs of life - new signs of hope.

Soulful Reflection Questions

I have some soulful reflection questions just for you, dear supporters: 

  1. What feels like a big pile of dry dirt in your life right now?

  2. If you pause and listen beneath the layers of stories, emotions, and thoughts, you'll discover that your spirit/soul:heart is already guiding you toward the light. What is your Inner Guidance telling you?

  3. What is one way you can follow that guidance today? One micro step / one micro push toward the light?

I so appreciate you I'm glad you are here Thank you for supporting my work.



P.S. have you signed up to get my emails? I just updated my Soul Care Starter Kit that you get when you sign up  Here's the link 

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