1 supporter


Oct 11, 2024

Hello everyone! As you all may have noticed, my old lionheart henry channel with like over 24k views totally, over 150-170 videos as well like 81 subscrobers unfortunately got deleted for no good reason. I also tried to appeal the decission made by youtube but it not worked, since it is a sort of censorship. I got a newer youtube account with like 33 subscribers currently only but a lot of potential where I may focuse more on youtube. A Homage/Remembrance video to the movie of the weird may also come out in perhaps a few weeks or months already. I hope that you all not forgot it. It was a like one hour and 46 minutes long movie, which seems to has, thanks to the deletion, completely disappeared from youtube as well from the internet as of now, sadly, though it had like over 250 views or even more.

I may also sell some videos and other online/virtual products here too for pretty cheap and fair prices. Most of them will be videos which i cant put on youtube or which got deleted from it, like the "I love you my Bro" nasheed from a roblox AQ.

I hope that you may stay loyal to your liked youtuber,


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