Welcome Lovely People

Welcome Lovely People

Feb 15, 2021

Welcome to our 'buy a cup of coffee' for us. Why this place?

Since March 2020, we have literally and figuratively gone back to basics on many levels. Now you can of course sit down and think now nothing will work anymore, but we do it differently! This has been our motto since we have lived in Spain. The crown situation we are all in has caused quite a stir and we were 'forced' to change everything, do things differently and find new inspiration. And it worked! It takes a lot of work to do everything differently, but we go for it!

I've always believed and felt confident that everything always comes at a time when it's right and in a way it's right. And so the idea came up to start vlogging about our animals that live with us, but also to vlog about life off the grid. How's that going now? What works and what doesn't? What is involved when you move to another country? And how do you do that now?

In the past six years we have been able to advise many people about a finca life in Spain and in particular in the area where we live, Aragon. Many are inspired and have even bought their own place. After all these beautiful moments we thought last winter "Now it is time to share this with vlogs"

There are already some vlogs online on our website www.fincalasolucion.life. It doesn't stop here! With this place we can also create unique content especially for you that will not be published on our website or youtube channel, only available to our members. We have just started and are all set!

A cup of coffee is fantastic because that way we know that what we do is appreciated and you literally and figuratively help us through 'the winter'. Are there many cups of coffee? Then our animals from Refugio La Solucion also benefit from this!

Follow us, buy a cup of coffee and even become a member!

Heart greetings

linda, louis, danique, lucca and all our animals

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