What’s coming up

What’s coming up

May 13, 2022

Hey everyone! It’s been a while since I utilised this page for anything and I know what I wanted to make previously, but that has since changed as I have been pretty swamped in my current job.

However, I do wanna start doing something with this page that’s not just used for stream tipping. I’m figuring out a way to turn this page into a shop and sell stream overlay starter kits.

I remember when I first started out streaming, trying to find a layout that resonates with me was pretty hard so I started making my own. I know that I am pretty fortunate to have the tools and knowledge and patience to do it so I wanna be able to help streamers who are just starting out to find a layout that vibes with them.

So yeah, watch this space in the coming future and hopefully my ADHD doesn’t get the best of me and make me give up lmao.

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