40 sostenitori
Visiting Italy? You Need A Test For That ...

Visiting Italy? You Need A Test For That!

Sep 02, 2021

Heading to Italy during covid? You need a test for that. Have your vaccine card from the CDC handy or a antigen test taken every 48hrs to be able to eat inside, go to museums and more. They are serious about it and they check at the entrance, sometimes more than one person. Everyone over the age of 12 needs a green pass.

You can show your vaccine card or if you are taking the test you will need to make sure the testing center know you need the covid green pass. They will print you out a QR code to scan on entry to all businesses. I noticed that while they scanned the pass for Kal-El (15) they glanced at my vaccine card, asked I was American, and flashed me through. I am not sure what that is about but every time I have shown it was a glance and oh American go, go on.

The test cost $25. But if you have tickets for somewhere, like the Duomo like we did today, and told them that you get it for $20 instead and you do not have to make an appointment. (Found out about the appointment part after) But be sure to check as this may vary by area. Masks are needed everywhere once inside. People also wear them outside especially if it's crowded.

They are taking it seriously and going by the rules. We spent most of the day running around like chickens without heads trying to get Kal-El tested since Jor-El is under 12 and didn't need a test. So now we have 48hrs to do all the indoor things we need to do so we won't have to take another test here before we leave.

Fun times, corona times haha. Happy traveling.

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