
Jan 04, 2021

Oh, Hi there :)

It's so nice to see that you have found your way to my secret supporters area. I'm really happy to see you. I bet you found your way here because one of my artworks caught your eye :)

May I introduce myself?
My name is Marius. I'm an Estonian multidimensional artist, who loves to play with different mediums and light conditions. I have been creating and crafting artsy stuff for most of my life. My favorites are body paintings and black light reactive artwork.

At 2017 I decided to move my creative ideas online and started my first shop in Redbubble. Most of my printable art is up there.

At the very beginning of 2021 I decided to create even more. I started 3 more shops and decided to create a supporters area. So you can keep my motivation high and help me reach a lot of goals that I've set.

If you buy me a coffee, I'm really thankful for your support. You are also welcome to support me monthly and I'll post and send you monthly newsletters of my journey, show you my playground and give you exclusively access to media, that I'm not sharing on Social media.

If you believe in me and magic of art, just join me on this journey.

Let's do great things!
Lifelover Arts

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