If You're Curious About the Life of an I ...

If You're Curious About the Life of an Illustrator...

Jun 30, 2024

...you might enjoy reading my Substack.

All the posts are free, and will stay that way. I share things about working as a professional illustrator, navigating the world as an artist, balancing art creation with ADHD, trying to use art to raise funds for good causes, and other semi-personal stuff.

I will also be running draw-alongs there on Fridays, that are free and open for anyone to follow.

You can find me there on https://lidijanagulov.substack.com/

My latest article - Reasons Why Artists are Stalked by Unscrupulous Vultures

Excerpt: Many categories of people have their own Vultures - Hollywood has the paparazzi, home buyers have banks, sick people have faith healers and snake oil salesmen. Artists have… an entire entourage. From people offering to teach you how to ‘monetize your art business’, ‘find your art style’, and ‘get agency representation’, to people offering to promote your work in their magazine ‘for a small submission fee’, people offering to have your work judged by ‘industry experts’ in a curated competition ‘for a small submission fee’, people offering to show your work in an exclusive gallery where you will keep all the money from any potential sales, ‘for a small submission fee’.

Hoping to see you there!



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