Update regarding the translations and th ...

Update regarding the translations and the memberships

Sep 22, 2024

Hi people, I have some good news and bad news, but, before I start, I want first to say that I'm still working on the translations and that I'll keep doing it. Well, the bad news is that from now on I'll have even less time to work on the translations because I'll go back to college, with my other job making my life a bit more stable I took the chance to go back and finish studying literature, later I also plan to start studying modern languages if I get the chance too (planning to finish my Japanese studies too). For a while, I've been very busy with my current job but now that I'll start studying again I'll have even less time to work on the translations since I'll have to work and study, and well, those are the bad news.

The good news is that I plan to naturally stop all the monetization that I've been doing up until now. Not only I won't have that much time to work on the translations, but also, Buy Me A Coffee won't be working with Payoneer anymore. So from now on all my updates and all the content will be public from the start. I'll close the subscriptions too but leave the page open since it's still useful as an archive and might come in handy later on to make polls.

My classes start this very next Thursday so I'll probably won't be able to finish Fianna and Emilia's game this month, but at least I'll release it public right away as soon as I finish it.

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