What are Probabilistic Data Structures? ...

What are Probabilistic Data Structures? (and Bloom Filters)

Dec 01, 2020

This video will introduce you to Probabilistic Data Structures, and we shall cover a data structure called a Bloom Filter that's used to do efficient membership testing (if X is present in set S).

Link to Bloom Filter Source Code: https://gist.github.com/badamczewski/42ec5d3aabd47c32684cdb87851f8a51

People are asking me how I'm Morphing the text like that, and it's a project in C# that I'm developing but it's kind of a mess that I'm slowly changing into a library so here's the morphing code as a gist: https://gist.github.com/badamczewski/06d9c86e6d78fc79905f943cb3545f51

If you have questions about this code just ask. I will be making a video on how to do morphing animations soon.


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