Free Commonlaw advice and information - i clear unlawful debt for free and release people from unlawful contracts - and i also help people remain in good health & homeostasis with Naturopathic advice & information to cure all cancers and other debilitating illnesses that modern meds are unable to cure. Homeostasis is actually quite easy if you know what to do - everyone charges for everything, especially commonlaw information but the people who need this info the most, are the people who cant afford expensive upfront payments that may not procure their desire anyway. So i do not charge......any extra money that i receive that is not required by myself, i will give away to homeless people or anyone else who needs it - i don't like money, but we all need to eat! xxx
Recent supporters

Keith Hilary Keshwar bought 20 coffees.

Hayley Clark bought 5 coffees.
Thank you Leon for your amazing dedication to this effort. I look forwards to every video you make. Big thank you and love to Christian and to you too 🥰👏⭐️🙌xxx

Jeannie bought 150 coffees.
Safe travels to you both! To be used for good times while spreading positive messages!🧡💛💜💚💗 Love you- thank you!

Rebecca Hutton bought 5 coffees.

Josephine bought 250 coffees.