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winter 2022 update

winter 2022 update

Feb 11, 2022

hi darlings!

i am slowly emerging from hibernation and want to provide you with some updates. first of all - thank you to everyone who navigated the payment processing changes at BMAC, i know they sent you a lot of emails and it was probably annoying but i appreciate y'all so much for still being here!

i had all of my dental work completed last summer (my gold teeth are REALLY shiny, i definitely recommend), and with your support, i am now over 30% of the way through my giant loan! collective resourcing under capitalism is everything <3

in the interest of being completely transparent, i haven't made anything in months. i don't know about you, but the intersections of multiple health and climate catastrophes and the responsibility of still needing to show up for work everyday hasn't really put me in a creative mood. there has been a lot changing in my world, at home and at work, and i have been thinking a lot about what it means to be an artist during these times. one thing i do know for sure is that i really have little to no interest in continuing to create content for the likes of instagram/meta/giant tech companies. it has been nothing short of revolutionary to continue to receive income each month regardless of whether i made anything or marketed my work or not.

my friend Rachael (@rachaelrice) astutely pointed out that for many of us, this is the first time we've been tasked with very rapidly figuring out how to take care of each other because no one is coming to save us. many of you might be realizing for the first time that no government, pharmaceutical, technological, or ideological intervention is going to save us. not this time. that is some heavy shit y'all. and that's not to say that there aren't ways through, because there are, but most of us are really lacking in the skills and resources that make the kinds of collective care that we desperately need right now possible.

all i have to offer you in this moment is a reminder that i know deep in my bones that it is possible and the only way we get through it is together.

i was recently reminded of this Mark Fisher quote, that feels so apt for this time:

the long, dark night of the end of history has to be grasped as an enormous opportunity. the very oppressive pervasiveness of capitalist realism means that even glimmers of alternative and political possibilities can have a disproportionately great effect. the tiniest event can tear a hole in the grey curtain of reaction which has marked the horizons of possibility under capitalist realism. from a situation in which nothing can happen, suddenly anything is possible again.

i'm starting to warm up as the days get longer and i'm ready to be out of hibernation and back on my bullshit in the very near future. keep an eye on your mailboxes, i'll be sending out a little mini package in the next week as a way to say thank you for being in this with me, and your spring packages will theoretically be out by mid-March.

and while i may not be on instagram much i'm hoping to continue to build this space as a way to stay directly in contact with those folks who are interested in supporting and receiving my work. tell your friends! sign ups start from just $1/month or you can simply 'follow' this page to be added to the mailing list and be the first to know when i have new stuff up on my website. i'm hoping to start sending out stuff in the mail more regularly. i envision this project as your friendly neighbourhood queer witch sending out support and encouragement for apocalyptic times. i'm always open to hearing feedback about what kinds of things you'd like me to offer, whether that's a 1:1 zoom call, an online grief space, a workshop of some kind... i don't know! weird times call for equally weird and creative responses.

<3 with love & rage
sarah kate

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