Leigh Erskine
14 supporters


Aug 14, 2023

Hi everyone,

I am moving from here to ko-fi. The interface here was too clunky. Feel free to follow me over there to get updates. I will be posting podcast episode links and occasional updates there. https://ko-fi.com/leighdoingstuff

I'm moving in real life as well. I have a wish list for necessities I need for my move into an RV. I could definitely use a little help with these items: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/1XQD1BTE4AKJT?ref_=wl_share it's my hope that once I'm settled into the RV and all the lifestyle changes that entails that I will be more financially stable than I've really ever been but getting to this point has used everything I had stashed as a safety net.

I hope you see you on ko-fi! You can also follow me just about anywhere. I even have a mailing list. :) leighe.com

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