What is Infrastructure as Code (IaC)
What is Infrastructure as Code IaC and its benefits
What is Terraform?
Terraform Features
Terraform Basic Commands
Terraform Main Commands
In-depth explanation (Terraform get, init, validate, plan, apply, state, workspaces, destroy, import, taint, graph)
Terraform Coding (Structure, resources, data sources, variable, providers, functions, modules, provisioners, Lifecycle Policy, Remote State backend)
Terraform Cloud & Enterprise
Terraform is our tool of choice to manage the entire lifecycle of infrastructure using infrastructure as code. That means declaring infrastructure components in configuration files that are then used by Terraform to provision, adjust and tear down infrastructure in various cloud providers In this tutorial, you will learn in-depth about what is Terraform, the important commands we use daily, how we can code with Terraform, and how to work with teams while coding infra as code with Terraform.