È una metafora amichevole, non un vero pizza. Ogni "pizza" costa $5 e puoi comprarne quanti ne vuoi.
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Sostieni mensilmente e fai parte del viaggio creativo di @LeahRich. Annulla in qualsiasi momento.
Chi siamo @LeahRich
creating clothing & art using plant dyes and second hand fabrics
I am a Denver artist working mainly in plant dyes, upcycling textiles, teaching, illustration, print making and graphic design. Any pizza slices bought for me are greatly appreciated!
Sostenitori recenti
Someone ha offerto 2 pizzas .
Happy Birthday!! ☕️☕️☕️🍰🍰🍰
Someone ha offerto un pizza .
Happy Biethday to my sweet sweet friend! you deserve an endless flow of free yummy tea and coffee!! I hope this next year brings you more connection, creation, happiness and love