During COVID situation, when most of us are working from home or remote area, we need to connect with our friends, office colleagues via internet using Zoom, MS Teams, Whatsapp and what not. They are really offering a good solution for us to connect with our co-workers. I don't know, what technology they are using to do audio, video & screen sharing, but there are some dependencies behind...
How to establish Audio Video call and Screen Share option using WebRTC in Angular 11
Mar 08, 2021
Responsive web design is a methodology where the application's UI automatically fit with the view port or the device screen with the same code. There are several types of device like large desktop, medium desktop, tablet, phablet, mobile, TV and what not. I came across many issues and challenges to create responsive nature of a web application which really run well in across devices. For mor...
Simple way to design Responsive Website
Mar 08, 2021
GitHub Gist, is very important and make developers life easy by sharing code. Gist are free to create and store in GitHub and they very easy to create. You can create a new gist, modify and delete file. Lastly, there is no need to download or install a program to use gist. For more details please visit -
How to create and add GitHub gist file to your blog
Mar 08, 2021