What to expect the first 10 Days!

What to expect the first 10 Days!

May 30, 2021

Day 1

You will feel fine, the hardest part is figuring out Macros.

Day 2

Its the Beginning of the “Keto Flu”. You may experience flu like symptoms that include headaches, fatigue, muscle aches, nausea, brain fog, and irritability. It is important to know that this is temperate and it WILL pass.

Day 3

This is considered the worst day of the “Keto Flu” because your body is in the process of transitioning. It will begin burning fat for fuel. No need to exercise, be gentle to your body. Keep physical activity to a minimum.

Day 4

The good news is that the worst is behind you. You body is not getting used to buying fat as fuel. It is normal to feel tired and fatigue.

Day 5-7

By now you have an understanding of what it looks and feels like to 70%-75% fat and very low carb.

Day 8-10

By day 10 Majority of people should have hit ketosis. This is when you should start feeling pretty good. The “keto flu” should be gone. The energy you was once drained of has been restored. You may experience not being hungry sometimes. This is normal and its okay not to eat. Eat when you are Hungry.

Make sure you prioritize water intake. When you got ketosis your body has a high amount of Ketones which could lead to dehydration.

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