2 sostenitori
Be Beautiful...

Be Beautiful...

Feb 24, 2023 YOU

I come from the AquaNet generation.

High hair was the thing, and the higher the hair, the closer to God.

Honestly, though, it was a great time to be alive, visually speaking.

There were bright colors, lots of shiny, sparkly spandex and so much gorgeous makeup.

Given, most of that makeup was on the hair metal dudes that were everywhere back then, but they still had plenty of great looks with which to model one's own style.

Except for Dee Snyder and well, Twisted Sister as a whole.

Great music, fabulous idealism, but eh, not so pretty.

I had my heart set on an entertainment industry career, but my backup plan was to pursue cosmetology.

Salons were magical to me.

Fast forward to September of 1993 and I was walking into the Pendleton College of Hair Design's doors, wearing a perfectly matched peach-colored outfit, excited to take on my very first day of Beauty School.

I've been in and out of the biz ever since, even returning there to teach for a few years in the early aughts. (Cosmetology instructing remains my favorite job to this day; that was an absolutely blessed time in my life.)

So, what's my point in all of this, on this funny Coffee website?

I have long since wanted to put together a space on the internet to marry and otherwise combine all of my fashion & beauty skills.

Even though I am no longer working behind a chair at this moment in time, I still want to be a part of the industry that has held such a chunk of my heart for my whole life.

And the specific way I want to do that is to start a fashion & beauty blog.

I do lots of "beauty bloggy" type things all over social media, but it has been a crazy long time since I penned an actual beauty blog.

So, the time is now, and this is the space. (For the time being.)

This project will include health & wellness as well as a whole lot of fashion.

But my approach to fashion is a little different in some ways than others...

My ideas are far less about trends (although trends certainly have their place) and more about what makes each of us feel good in our own skin.

This page will document my way through some of the various fashion & beauty classes I am taking now, as well as the journalism class in which I am plodding right along! (Hello Vogue? Bookmark this page, because I'm headed your direction SOON!)

But for now, we shall start here.

And hopefully, I can help those who find themselves in need of style advice, to find and maintain their most perfect looks.

Note: I will sometimes be sharing links in which I receive commissions from sales &/or referrals.

Current services available:

Avon Sales
Colorstreet Sales
Poshmark Storefront

Upcoming services:

Fashion & Style Consulting
Makeup Artistry/Lash Extensions
??? Cosmetics~Skincare~Perfume line! ???
...stay tuned!

In the meantime, you can always Buy Me A Coffee. ;)

While membership levels exist, they are not mandatory. They are simply there for those who wish to help further my dream of having my own beauty line, and the other business expenses that will be going into the Beautiful Like You project. Enjoy this page freely!

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