❤ Springtime Beet Root Tonic ❤

❤ Springtime Beet Root Tonic ❤

Mar 07, 2022

Are ya’ll really about this health and self-care or just faking it? Try this on for size.Beet Root: Beta Vulgaris aka Garden Beet, Spinach Beet, Sugar Beet, Mangel.

Anticarcinogen, antioxidant, blood fortifier, immune-stimulant, normalizes body pH.

Significant amounts of: Calcium, Iron, Potassium, Magnesium, Folic Acid, Phosphorous.

Strengthens immunity, helping to resist sickness and disease — Mood enhancer and stimulant.

(Lee, Michele E. Working the Roots, Oakland, CA Wadastick Publishers, 2014)

With its affinity for the female reproductive system, I started taking Beet juice to aid with anemia, fatigue, and PMS/Menstruation symptoms. It has done that and so much more.

Beet leaves are edible and good for you also, it just so happens that the juice is personally easier for me to take daily. Recently, I had the thought to save the cooked (soft) beets from the boiling for my salads. I always eat a few pieces after and that’s a lot for me — My tastebuds are not about the beet taste. I’m just trying to be a proper adult, I promise. Anywho.



Potato peeler

Cutting Board

Butcher Knife

Mesh Strainer

1.5 qt saucepan with a lid

Pyrex measuring cup w/ lip or a funnel

Glass Jar/Bottle with a lid/stopper/cork (1 qt or larger)


1 Large or 2 Medium sized Beet Roots (Organic and/or With leaves preferred)

2 inch knob of Ginger (Organic)

1 Large Lemon (Organic)

1 Navel Orange (Organic)

1 qt of Water (Filtered/Alkaline)

If there is anything that isn’t organic, be sure to remove the skin before boiling. That’s where most of the pesticides are contained.

Begin by thoroughly washing or soaking all of the ingredients for a few mins in cool water, being sure to rub the skins. Feel free to (gently) use a scrubber or veggie brush.

While they soak, go ahead and put your quart (4 cups) of water into your saucepan and sit it on the stove. This way, as you slice the ingredients, you can just toss them in — we’’ll turn the fire on after everything has been added.

Cut your beet root top just under the sprouting point, to where the flesh is just beginning. If you have the entire sprout, save your leaves for a smoothie/salad/to cook IF you so desire.

Using the potato peeler, skin your beet(s) by shaving off just enough so that the redness of the inner flesh shows and the purplish/brownish outside skin is gone. You don’t want to cut too deep and lose flesh, and you don’t have to because they are organic AND you washed them. Right? Right.

Now. Put the beets on your cutting board (Warning: Beets STAIN af) and use your butcher knife to quarter them, then cut each of the quarters into smaller chunks. Doesn’t have to be perfect, just needs to create enough surface area to get the most out of them as they boil. You’ll see why you need a butcher knife once you start cutting — don’t bring your paring knife round these parts. Can’t say I didn’t warn you. When you’re good and done, throw em in the pan.

Next, Slice off and discard the pointed ends of your citruses, then slice the remaining middle into 1 cm thick rounds. Throw em in the pan.

Last but not least, use your tablespoon to scrape the skin off of your ginger. Once exposed, cut into 1 cm thick slices or rough chop to 1/2 in chunks. Throw em in the pan too.

To begin cooking, turn the fire on to medium-high. The goal is to let it all heat up almost to a boil, but not letting it get to rapid boil. Boiling will diminish the nutritional value. So uh uhn. When yuh see the fruits dem (SHABBA!) 😂 start to roll, turn the fire all the way down and put the lid on. It needs to simmer like this for at LEAST 15 mins, but can go all the way to 45 mins. I usually let it simmer until my beets are fork tender, turn the fire off, and let it steep for an additional 15 mins while it cools. All open to interpretation, feel it out for yourself and the beets you bought. Idk why but the time changes each time I make it. So it really is up to you.

Whenever they’re ready, remove the lid and use the strainer to remove all the solid pieces from the pot. You can always squeeze your citruses for extra goodness, but it’s not necessary. Remember to set aside the beets for later if you’re about that life. Compost if you can. Pour the remaining liquid either into your pyrex cup then into your bottle or directly into your bottle using a funnel. Should be at least 3 cups of liquid, so pour accordingly.

Now. I take mine straight up. BUT no shame if you want to add a lil organic cane sugar to the mix and shake. Best to add it while the liquid is still warm so that it can dissolve. Wait for it to cool close to room temperature before sealing and storing in your refrigerator. I drink about 4 oz daily so it only lasts me a week or so — not sure how long it will hold but my advice would be to treat it like any other natural juice without preservatives. I’d give it a 2 week ABSOLUTE max, but I’m sure that’d be pushing it. Use your judgement or whatever.


So, you made it… 😏 Pero like are you going to MAKE it? If you do, let me know how it goes — seriously. I’d love to hear if you love it, hate it, if it helps etc. HMU! If you so care to go an additional mile, click the button above and send me a Chai Latte out of the generosity of your heart. It’ll make my day.

So much love.

~ Lola

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