February's Thoughts. 02/2022

February's Thoughts. 02/2022

Mar 12, 2022


Society calls women fake for lashes and hair but literally throws hissy fits anytime they see any of us with underarm hair or leg hair. God forbid, actually dealing hands on with a period or childbirth. As a whole, it really couldn’t handle or know what to do with a woman in all her feminine glory. Having been taught to be sexually and romantically attracted to such a stripped, sanitary version of femininity and womanhood — procreation might come to a screeching halt if women all of a sudden ditched the constructs in mass. Temporarily, obviously. But would we care, though. -_-


We should be confident that we can attract anything we desire because our deepest desires are god given and those miracles and blessings already belong to us. Even before they manifest physically.


Men owe women the way white people owe the African diaspora and people of color. They should also feel lucky, the same as white people, that all women want is equality as opposed to revenge.


Motivation won’t carry you 100% but it should always be there. Discipline is just the kick start, motivation should fill in. If the only reason you can continue to do something is because you can ignore all of your signals and force yourself to do it, it’s probably not what you need to be doing. Motivation is inspiration. Inspirare: to breathe or blow into. If there is no energy coming into it from God, what is the point?


It’s to be noted how often that, as an authentic or genuine person, others are triggered by who you are. Whether into suspicion about your motives and your truth or into resistance/dislike. Some even add on a sprinkle of vendetta. Yum.


The house that fights against the trembling doesn’t withstand the earthquake. It is the house that sways and allows the disturbance to move through it that remains.


When you are attuned to your unique authentic vibration, the source of the energy that gives you the impulse to create is the same source energy that built the pyramids.


A lot of my resistance and reluctance to fully participate or embody myself on social media has been because I resisted under the notion that social media isn’t real (I still have my reservations). You know, you get on and people are so different there from how they are in real life. It made me dismiss it as some kind BS construct where people get to pretend and shirk authenticity. 

Now I see that it is a place where you can connect with people who, otherwise, you wouldn’t have been able to reach or to connect with due to distance or what have you. It is also a wonderful place to build and sustain community and the exchange of energy, albeit, not all of that energy exchange is beneficial (as we see with the accounts that are low vibrational AF). But if you’re building community, attuned to your higher self and a higher vibration you definitely attract more of that —  especially when you intentionally tailor your social media accounts to show what you need to see to help you to maintain your vibration. Admittedly, I didn’t see this potential before.

I gave pieces bits and pieces of myself to social media —  you know, the pieces that I wanted to show or wanted to share — but I’m finding so much freedom now in sharing so much more. Not that I wasn’t sharing authentically before, but sharing more of the fullness as opposed to (honestly what I accused others of doing) manicuring. Different reasons, same result. I am so much more open to painting a full picture of myself as an offering to the collective. 


In order to create, one must draw off something. The act of creating is the transmutation and transference of energy. So simply put: there must be a primary source. Whether that is internal or external, from inspiration or intuition, there must be a well to draw from. Comfort. Passion. Beauty. Dire desire. Something. No well, no creation. Fill your well. Maybe even dig one for the very first time or dig a new one for the first time in a very long time. Sustenance is waiting.


Daily, I grant myself the grace to know where I’ve been, the clarity to look where I’m headed, and the strength to be wherever I am, with gratitude.


It’s about more than simply being a part of something bigger than yourself. Because hell, all of these companies are bigger than you and will chew you up and spit you out as necessary if you let them. It’s about doing work that is fulfilling and purposeful where you are considered an integral part of the fabric and make up. Otherwise, it’s like working on a big ass farm and only getting paid in reject produce, sent on your way whether it is enough or not —  when you know good and damned well they are harvesting acres and acres off of your work and selling it for a huge profit. These companies are taking your divine vital life force energy and giving you back money, man-made. Not actually giving you one modicum of true wealth, and then to top it all off: it’s taxed. How’s that for a return on investment?


Society tries to make you think that you need money more than you need anything else. What we truly need more than anything else is a relationship with the divine, ourselves and others. We don’t need money for shelter in the grand scheme of things — trees existed before us. We don’t need money for food — there are edible plants that we trample without a second thought. In the natural order of things, our needs have already been supplied for. We are born abundant on this abundant ass floating rock hurling itself through space. The only reason we accept otherwise is because we are fed that lack is the prominent energy and we tend to be subjected to it. You need yourself. You need to be whole within yourself. You need to be physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually healthy. You need relationship with other people because humans are not solitary beings (most of us, anyway). Cancel the idea that the only work that is valid is work that results in money. And if you haven’t already, cancel doing anything for the sake of just money. 


Replace imagination with mind’s eye. Imagination as a word has a connotation of being whimsical, fleeting or lacking basis in reality. But mind’s eye is so much more accurate because what does an eye do? It sees. There is no disputing what the eye sees and it is generally accepted that what the eye sees, exists. So. When you are envisioing your dreams, reclaim your imagination. Remember that it is indeed your mind’s eye and take it that what you are seeing is real. The journey is coming to know how to get it into the physical as you so desire.


Is Spring here yet?

I’ve been forcing vines to grow in my mind

Summoning fiber roots to grow

And they are deep and heavy with time

Weighted, waiting for the moment they can go.

Is Spring here yet?

Sunrise and soul ties


Gold calling from below the surface

Begging to be mined

Is Spring here yet?


In order for a seed to burst into life it must first vibrate with energy — and this power comes from within the seed. It has an effect. Even in a seemingly nascent stage, the seed has been carrying its wisdom and potential from the beginning of time. Just waiting for divine timing in order to move into the next phase. Once the seed bursts forth into vivacity, it too changes the composition of its surroundings. The change also reverberates through whatever substance may be covering it or keeping it hidden. From the bursting on, the seed begins to yearn for air and sun, seeking the freedom of sprouting and satisfaction of growth. Now. You can rebury it. Continue piling up soil so that it never rears its beautiful head, but the seed will not cease to strive.

And so, as the winds of change have carried seeds into your being from the divine, even as they may have been lying still and dormant until now; it is time for them to burst forth. Your being is already irrevocably changed for having housed their potential — for holding their knowing within your own. You may as well allow them to take root and grow you into new life. Do not stifle what is good and true within you, no matter how new and seemingly vulnerable it may feel. 


As opposed to publishing a collection of writing to kindle/amazon immediately, I’d rather write freely here for now, where it’s accessible to everyone. I’m also editing quite a few longer pieces to be put into a book of essays soon — I’d love it if you sent me some energy and encouragement to continue by buying me a coffee-- Click the button above, will ya?

So Much Love…

~Lola 🖤

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