I am an independent cartoonist and poetry editor. I cartoon at Texosophy (https://texosophy.substack.com), and I am the editor and publisher of Texas Poetry Assignment, an online poetry journal (www.texaspoetryassignment.org) supporting community and hunger relief in the Lone Star State.
Recent supporters

Irene Keller bought 3 coffees.

Irene Keller bought a coffee.
Thank you for sharing your passion for poetry with students, your poetry, your witty Texosophy cartoons, and sponsoring the Texas Poetry Assignment.

Alan Berecka bought 5 coffees.
Cheers! Stay warm.
Wow. Thanks, Alan! Coffee certainly helps! We’ve been below freezing for a good while this month. Long underwear or as they now say “base layers” are new wardrobe additions. My new beard helps a bit, too. Hope y’all are warm enough down on the coast. Say hello to Alice. Thanks again. I take it black. Laurence