Seguidores recientes ha comprado 3 coffees .
Thank you so much for all the wonderful information and videos.

Clayton Cutbush ha comprado un coffee .

Clayton Cutbush ha comprado 10 coffees .
Didn’t realize the number of coffees adjusted the contribution amount. Here’s another round of coffee even though the Irish converted me to tea years ago.
Keep that love for your country. It’s contagious. 😉

Clayton Cutbush ha comprado 10 coffees .
Just back from Ireland and had such an amazing time. I’m from the US but my wife spent summers in Claire growing up. Your videos made it an amazing trip. Every video filled me with joy watching someone that loved and appreciated her country so much. It was my fourth trip to Ireland, but so much better having watched your videos. Grace by definition is undeserved favor. That’s what I felt as I toured Ireland.😃