14 sostenitori
I Probably Won't Buy A Cup of Coffee...

I Probably Won't Buy A Cup of Coffee...

Jun 20, 2021

Since we lost all our work and income when the world shut down in March 2020 (see the previous post for more on that), we have spent almost all of our time working on our Cambodia Cookbook and Culinary History project and our website Grantourismo. Every day we get up and work on the cookbook, along with our website, and we devote ourselves to those as we would any normal (paying) job. We work regular working days, rising early, often going to bed late, even working weekends. As a result, we've made great progress with the book, including some incredible research breakthroughs recently, which I'll tell you a little bit about soon. We keep our website going so that when people do start to travel again, some income will begin to trickle in once more. We're able to do that thanks to our supporters over on Patreon. Their monthly pledges mostly pay our rent, but they don't cover utility bills and food, other ongoing payments, such as a storage unit in Australia, monthly server fees for our websites, and occasional domain fees. Nor do they provide money for emergencies or health insurance, which is scary with Covid spiralling a little out of control here in Cambodia. That's why I've started this page, to try and raise enough funds each month to completely cover our rent and bills, to buy health insurance, to have a fund in case of emergencies... and maybe even buy the occasional cup of coffee. Although I haven't been to a cafe since January 2020, so probably not. Once the essentials are covered, I'll put your donation toward our cookbook project instead, which I'll tell you about in my next post...

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