3 ways to hide your wifi modem

3 ways to hide your wifi modem

Oct 25, 2022

3 ways to hide your wifi modem quickly, without a fuss.

Have you gotten the "camera offline" notification and swore under your breath for not having hid your modem in a locked cupboard just yet. Don't worry, we've got you covered.

Hollow out a book, place your modem in the cover and place on a shelf of books.

Get your Velcro out and hang your modem upside down under a console or TV unit, gather up the cords out of sight and you've got a lovely little safe spot.

Source a decorative basket that will add to your styling, pop your modem in and cable tie the lid. Hide the cable ties with hanging plants.

You can't go wrong hiding your modem from prying eyes and all in a few minutes. Bye bye" camera offline"Bild Bild Bild Bild

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